Envío y devoluciones
We offer complimentary returns & exchange within 15 days upon delivery, any item(s) purchased from our website: www.charmpaolo.com or from the day you received your item from one of our Pop-up Shop event. Return item(s) will undergo a review for eligible refunds that may take 3 to 15 business days refund process.
Item(s) received as a gift is eligible for free return but can only be exchanged with an item with the same value or a higher value (customer must pay any difference in price).
All item(s) to be returned should be in perfect condition, sealed with original packaging, original invoice and certificates. Returning a product is free. You may return the item(s) using our return pre-paid labels that we will send via email from our third party carrier for UK, USA and International return shipping.
*Custom made products cannot be returned for exchange or refund. Any item(s) purchased from a third party will not be accommodated.
1.) Email us at hello@charmpaolo.com
2.) Please indicate on the SUBJECT line that corresponds with your return issue:
RETURN & EXCHANGE (Your Order Number)
RETURN & REFUND (Your Order Number)
Example: Email Subj: RETURN & EXCHANGE (#12345)
3.) Prepare your package with its original packaging and receipt.
4.) Wait for the shipping label to be emailed to you within 24hrs.
5.) Print the return label and read carefully the instruction that was emailed to you.
6.) Attach the pre-paid label on the packaging box (make sure to remove or cover any old address labels)
7.) Drop off your package or request pickup service if available.
If you did not get any response within 48hrs. Please contact us with your order number ready. Customer Care